
SpeedNote1 the differences in genders and cultures

If you go into a store and a guy is standing behind the counter and youcall him pardner, or even studd the guy himself would not think much about it, in fact more than likely he would think he got a compliment. But if you go into the same store or even a different store, and greet a lady behind the counter, and address them with anything besides HEY YOU, if you don't know their name, or say howdy sunshine, you have insulted them. No granted if you called a Confederate a yankee, your obviously picking a fight no matter the gender, but simple none threatening greetings should not be taken so dang seriously. It is the belief by many that since 911 or because of Sept-11 that we need to be mean, sad and constantly on guard. Anything or anyone out of sorts is eyeballed like a bug under a microscope in Mr. Lyndsy's Chem class. But that's what those who launched those attacks want YOU to do. Is be grumpy all the dang time. I say lighten up. Maj . White's Dad Cal White of Hagerman, AD go look it up if you think the White's are a figment of my brain, look up the graduating class Hagerman High School 1977. Any mile for the rest of you, Cal, used to have all kinds of goofy words and phrases, he'd even joke with certain building supply stores we'd go to , about us getting the Church discount. Even though we were not buildig no church. Some of those words or phrazes I can't say here cuzz I don't even know how to spell them. But could those phrazes be translated outside of Hazzard? Most likely not, there are differences with cultures. Does that make the phrazes or words evil? It just depends on your defintion of them. Like when you leave a store and says to you have a good day, shoot, now somehow you have to go out and make it a good day no matter what. All of the responsibility is now on you. I have an idea since everyone is in such a grumpy mood, just tell somebody, go out and have a shitty day. That takes no effort at all. In fact that takes no effort at all, you can have a shitty day just by getting out of bed most days. The fact that you can really get up when you want at least for now, your still free, that means be happy, and lighten up.