
SpeedNote3 This shit about comments or no comments

Once agin I saw this thing on Aronic Dumbass 's blog site about me not allowing comments, again I'll repeat so that what little gray matter these stooges have between their ears gets it. If the dumb bunnies would comment on the topic and all fine I'd open it up in a second, but I'm not going to allow personal attacks on the blogs about the club. No how no way. It's bad enuff that these seemingly doogooders feel the need to attack Old Speed, or call up someone we are working for ad money for our web site or event, and tell them we are trash, or I'm Lucifer himself or worse. It happened with Shorty's Saloon, it happened with Boise Community Radio, don't the realize that if they had just shut up that I'd have made a connection, found a place up yonder there in or around Boise and would have been moved one hell of a long time ago, even breaking a lease? While other projects hang in the wings for our studios in Ogden Utah to be ready for us to move into and down there they don't have much influence, but still did all of this have to happen? But its these personal attacks and all that has resulted from them is whyI do not allow comments on our blogs. But as its been said yes every dog has its day, here it means every Wolf will have its time.
Stay tween the ditches

SpeedNote2 Its amazing how many think they know something but don't

It's amazing that some of the MHI Royalty think they know all about ole SpeedWrench here but don't know diddly. They even think that Ron White my High school pal and all is a figment of my imagination. Granted there is a star from one of my fave TV shows by that name, but Idaho's Ron White , Major Ron White and the one on TV is two different people. Now I'm sure that since I did a search just to show that Ron is real, that the simple mean minded tick turds from MHI could do it, but did they ? No. Why? So they could pester me some more. I'm sure damn greatful this is the last week in this shit hole. I have never ever been in such a mean minded place, where so many think they know someone but don't know nothing. Just because I'm a bit on the wyld side, and all does not make me the EVIL ONE as they so think. As far as this shit with models and all with rides for the web site and all. Look if all I was looking for was a fast time between the sheets, Wells Nevada, Elko Nevada, and all ain't that far and a heap much easier . I Never invented the idea of babes in hot threads with custom trucks, hot-rod's etc, that was done many years before I ever was born. The first time I did photography with a lady and a ride, was when I was I think 8 or 9 years old. There was this gal that lived across the street from us in Layton, by the name of Nedra, oh she was hot. Made ones heart skip beats faster than a Monkee's tune. I had this stretched pedal bike, that I had customized, paint, big tire on back, little tire on front, even had a parking brake and a 5 speed tranny. Thought then as I do now, if those fellers in Hollywood can do this,so can I. Except not in MHI. There is conservative then there is MHI. Go there friends, and see what I mean. Not saying all in MHI are assholes, thankfully the good people there two of which I met and one I call a dear friend . but thank goodness that the assholes or Royalty of MHI are a minority, but enuff to get under your skin and fester like a bad bug bite. As far as knowing all about me, remember there was a time before computers or at least ones that everybody has now, and there was a time before public Internet. Now for som FYI. The move to Paul is a short bridge to getting out of Idaho all together. I'm in Paul long enuff to get Lexi rebuilt, LiL Lexi rebuilt, get through the winter, then its outta here for good. And I'll never look back. Even considering moving my own grave site from Grace Idaho's grave yard to where-ever I get to in Utah this time next year. I'm going to see about changing where I was born from Idaho to Layton Utah, and just plain forgetting I ever was here, or lived in Idaho. Because if MHI is any example of the rest of Idaho any more I don't want any part of it. Any highway need sleep, much to do today.
L8R GearHeadz.


SpeedNote1 the differences in genders and cultures

If you go into a store and a guy is standing behind the counter and youcall him pardner, or even studd the guy himself would not think much about it, in fact more than likely he would think he got a compliment. But if you go into the same store or even a different store, and greet a lady behind the counter, and address them with anything besides HEY YOU, if you don't know their name, or say howdy sunshine, you have insulted them. No granted if you called a Confederate a yankee, your obviously picking a fight no matter the gender, but simple none threatening greetings should not be taken so dang seriously. It is the belief by many that since 911 or because of Sept-11 that we need to be mean, sad and constantly on guard. Anything or anyone out of sorts is eyeballed like a bug under a microscope in Mr. Lyndsy's Chem class. But that's what those who launched those attacks want YOU to do. Is be grumpy all the dang time. I say lighten up. Maj . White's Dad Cal White of Hagerman, AD go look it up if you think the White's are a figment of my brain, look up the graduating class Hagerman High School 1977. Any mile for the rest of you, Cal, used to have all kinds of goofy words and phrases, he'd even joke with certain building supply stores we'd go to , about us getting the Church discount. Even though we were not buildig no church. Some of those words or phrazes I can't say here cuzz I don't even know how to spell them. But could those phrazes be translated outside of Hazzard? Most likely not, there are differences with cultures. Does that make the phrazes or words evil? It just depends on your defintion of them. Like when you leave a store and says to you have a good day, shoot, now somehow you have to go out and make it a good day no matter what. All of the responsibility is now on you. I have an idea since everyone is in such a grumpy mood, just tell somebody, go out and have a shitty day. That takes no effort at all. In fact that takes no effort at all, you can have a shitty day just by getting out of bed most days. The fact that you can really get up when you want at least for now, your still free, that means be happy, and lighten up.

This is where I'm going to speak whats on MY mind

Over the last week I have caught the words of many in the Knytes saying this fueding with the buttwipes in Ignore County and all is fine, but the Knytes would rather read about things concerning the CSA/CNP, the club and such without the ramblings and piss ass'd bs going on out here on this western forgotten desert of Idaho with a few from MHI that have not a clue about anything and whose only sport is to hammer ye old SpeedWrench here. So I have decided to honor the wishes of the Knytes and create my own bitch blog and let ths be where I bitch about things, and the others will be for reporting news etc of the club.
So there you have it.