
Just how much food do you need How fat do you need to get before you diet

Just how much food do you really need? How often do you really have to sit and scarf down food? More over how fat do you really need to get before you decide it might be time to push away from the table? 
Some times I get as hungry as a bear, in a empty forest, however if I get to eat , I do so about twice a day, then nibble snack the rest of the time. 
When I hit the scales a few years back before I was diagnosed type diabetic, I hit nearly 300 pounds. Which besides making being in the truck, and my belly always rubbing against the steering wheel, I also was not able to fly. Yep the FAA said I had to lose 70 pounds before I could fly again. So hey, I started eating rabbit food, for awhile, then of course Nurse GoodBody 
 came into my picture and got me on organic soda, and food. Stuff that was good for me, filled me up, and helped me on the road to lose that 70 pounds. Habits that I have retained and put into practice. Only time I hit food is when I damn well need to. 
Okay then; the blame game goes on with us and facebook. Seems as though some big software promotion company decided to snap up our one of our FB Pages. Or at least the name to it. Now admiration is one thing, and in a degree I'm flattered. However isn't there a screening department or algorythum, at FB that says someone already has that page title or name? This has happened twice. Once involving the Knytes' Page called Southern Xposure, where some real-estate/lawyer down in St. George Utah, did it, we fixed that. Now Talking Toew and Toew Talk, were copied. Why is it always us? Why does the public that has no idea of what we are all about, or subject matter of our Groups and Pages on FB? When I put up a thing new for the WolfPack, someone nearly took it over, and while I dearly appreciate her efforts, still AV Com, is for Vintage Military Aviation Enthusiasts, not alot of Southern Confederate information. While I'm into that deeply and part of what The Hazzard County Knytes was in part constructed on in 1982, Pages and Groups Like; Southern XPosure, HazzardActive are where that information and news etc. Just like when I hire someone new for the radio gig, which I'm still working on, and why our air time is not as often, still , when I do hire someone new, I always instruct them to do one simple thing; READ THE GALL BLASTED BLOGS!!! LEARN WHAT WE ARE, AND WHAT YOUR working to do, not just what you think it is from a superficial, or surface view. 
Speaking of:
 We'll begin airing SpeedWrench Radio, Sunday into Monday morning overnight, on www.spreaker.com/ayrewolf that means tomarrow night. On there I am Dr. Speed, everywhere else I'm the AyreWolf. That will not change. Any how I'm off air tonight trying to fix my sore stomach. Until we meet on the radio.