
The Reaper never rests and neither do we. and Yes it's that time, but nothing's happening might be your too ugly to get down with to begin with.


Watching and working our news desk, here at KNYT FM, I wonder, how many times do you need to repeat the same damn news 20 times, just rewritten or repeated? NewsMax does their first shows in the morning, then redoes the same shows in the afternoon's and then, yup, the same shows again in the evening. Not just repeating but the same news copy re-reported 10 times minimum the same garbage on at least 10 more shows just reported by another, anchor. In my opinion, why not do some other shows. How about other types of news, whether it's from the military, agriculture, trucking, technology, in essence, break it up a bit. Sheesh, can't these organizations do a better job? Of course, HazzardAyre Media still believes there still is other news, and we also realize, news just isn't happening on the beltway, the news is happening from the east to the west, and there is an entire nation, in between. Going beyond the same junk, as far as content, the anchors. Too many are being shuffled around worse than a bunch of pre-school kids playing ring around the rosy. None of the main content generators don't work weekends, or work during any kind of holiday week. Know is is on-air, on the news desks, and always in the know? Yup, HazzardAyre. 

Okay as I go, and get some shut-eye, so I can hit the road to Wyoming in the AM, need to say this. First, does every guy need to take medication or buy some human additive to get funky? Like that one that comes on and the announcer says, " well it's that time, and nothing is happening." My opinion, or question I need to ask, is, is she so stuck up, bitchy, or just plain fugdugly, that you can't in no way can you get it up. I know there have been a few, that when it came time, to unzip, Herman said, no way. Not to sound crass, but, ever notice, that most of the women against birth control, are women you wouldn't go to bed with in the first place? Last week, at Church and this, will sound bad and off-taste, but I saw at least 12 maybe 14 young ladies that I wondered, how many of these young, old, married or not, would know what to do, and make the event a bit more pleasurable, rather than the typical, so-termed Missionary position. 

Didn't get any response, from PMT today, but I think, they are looking into what they can give me, for our internet service. What I can't understand, and while $5k, is a big bill, it wouldn't have gotten that strung out, if, in fact, Lumen/Century Link had kept their promise. Admit they fuggled up, wipe the slate clean, set up what we ordered and give us what the Knytes ordered. Understanding that my 2nd Cousin Steve, signed a Docusign, thing, not knowing what he was signing. Shit the guy, was on a floating airport, in the deep South Pacific. Chase, is working on the draft to file in court here, as well as Aurora, Colorado, CenturyLink/Lumen's HQ as well Phoenix Arizona, where the order was taken. We are aiming for at least $800K, plus my medical expenses for all the stress, the back wages for the employees I had to let go due to CL's consistent, delays, excuses. When we requested 1gig, which everybody including their field techs, thought was what we were supposed to be getting. Now granted CL' was trying to generate a big sale for two salespeople, during a very slow pandemic economy. But damn why not set up a conference call, among all involved and come to a consensus. Trust me friends this will get interesting. Should have expected it. Outside of two former employees of that company, one that flat quit when we did our groove in Jerome, Idaho. CL/Lumen has been running in reverse so badly. Wonder what they'll call their company after we nail em for several hundred thousand dollars they got to pay us. In short:

 See ya'll in the morning.



I just hate fighting with my bed and pillow

                                                             I just hate fighting with my bed and pillow.

Seems like it's a daily sitch. 

Every evening when I get ready to hit the rack, it's a fight to get in the right spot on my bed and, then its wrestle with my pillow. Now I have considered all the offers from outfits like MyPillow, and such, but $400.00 for a topper and near $80.00 for a pillow, is a bit steep. Thing is in this modern era of advanced technology, you'd think by now somebody would make straps that would hold sheet especially fitted sheets to the bed and keep them tight and not bunch up. Then there's the pillow.

Besides MyPillow, isn't there a pillow that will hold its shape, and not need adjustments all night just to stay asleep? Of course, there's noise laws that flat are not enforced. Oh it's okay for a noisy Harley to roll by with rapping pipes(I LuV those) but let a trucker, use a Jake Brake, he gets a ticket. Then there's the thumping of stereos. For Heck sake turn the damn thing down, after midnight. Who the hell are you trying to impress? The dang sluts of this city have all gone to bed with their nightly quest. Some times you can pick your living environment, some times you cain't. I'm a day sleeper, for several reasons. One can't do radio during the day, due to bandwidth problems. Everybody is on the pipe, so limited access. Then at night is the best choice. Which presents several sitchs. The first is now that I'm venturing out back on my own going toewing without the support of A1, I need to make every call. Yet if I'm on air, I can't just shut down the station. So need co-hosts, or side anchors. Now true could be in a studio, with one of the Club members, but, that's kinda queer. So that requires a female to sit in. Now I don't look for a fashion model, here, but someone with a healthy body that is not oversized, that displays some eye candy with the raunchy personality and sarcasm style humor that we roll out is a plus. Think its easy to find that? It ain't. So I stress, and that don't give me much rest. Which is what I did ALL DAY Sunday. I slept. Didn't care if the big bomb dropped or not. Can't go to Church , that's still a once a month thing, due to Covid-19, and doing office studio stuff at night is a guess shot at best. So what do you do? You sleep. That's what I did. But cain't some one make a decent bed covering and a no toss pillow? 

That's my story for this morning.

The Weekend is over, back to the weekly grinder


The weekend is over, back to the daily grinder. To the foreign, tuners that grace our main thru street of Blue Lakes Blvd, here in Twin Falls, While I love the true sound of serious Detroit muscle, I can't stand the noise these tuners make. Sounds like a rodent farting. It's just terrible, but it's like my Mom used to tell me when I was younger that someday I will observe youth as she did us. That revelation is coming true. Just like Muffin's music. That tribal bull crap she plays is really disturbing, but I'm sure that when I was a younger Wolf-Pup, that me playing the Doors, on a phonograph, was just as disturbing to her. 

Alrighty then; Moving more to resurrecting SpeedWrench Toewing but it's going to be a slow process as I bring that to light. I'm dotting the I's, and crossing the T's. I still remember the day that I got inspired into a SpeedWrench concept. Bro, Claressa, and I were laying on a side lawn, by Sears Automotive when it was down on 2nd Avenue here in Twin Falls. One of then Ace Hansen's Mr. GoodWrench delivery trucks rolled by, with my parts, as I was replacing an exhaust part on the ole Grey Mule, I thought, instead of Mr. GoodWrench, what a slightly higher-octane version of that name and make it into SpeedWrench? So over a long lunch and a discussion at the then Blue Lakes Mall, now Fred Myers, SpeedWrench Toewing, became part of the Hazzard County Garage, aka, Cooter's Kustmz, aka Hazzard County Choppers. This is going to be a very aggressive promotion and reassembly of a company that is the only, single person, still in business after near 50 years in the same area, by the same owner towing service in Idaho. Stay tuned.



It's All About the Pantyhose

Beyond my personal fascination of the women's fashion, there isn't a guy I know of that doesn't appreciate, the silky look, and smooth feel of a pair of Pantyhose or at least some form of nylon stockings on his or a desired woman's legs. Just like the chrome wheels that adorn our rods and rydes, nylons on a woman's legs give the look of refinement, and completion of a look. As in the chrome wheel thing, it might not make the rod go any faster, but they sure make em look better. It don't matter if its a model photographing with a vintage aircraft, hot rod, or truck, or bike, 8 out of 10 times the model is wearing nylons of some variant. Most are stockings, with garters, and heels, which I hate the heels part as those foot spikes sliding across a super killer paint job. Likewise the nylons absorb body chemicals including sweat, that keeps those bodily acids, from seeping into that clear coat. Women hate em, guys love them. Its all about the Pantyhose.
Okay then.
Remember the fuss I was having with Kroger stores? Namely our local Smiths Food & Drug store, here in Twin Falls Idaho? While its not that BIG of a thing, that yogurt is damn good. 
 It's not any where else in Twin Falls, and I was told that yesterday I was to get a phone call on delivery of two cases of it. Know what? Yup , no phone call, no delivery. So and I'll be barking about this on air for several days, I ain't going into this Smith's again. In fact I'm moving my prescriptions and such over here to my Walgreen's store 3 blocks away from me. If they can't get that right what else? I'll tell you what else. The Pharmacy clerk assistant the other day had me linked up with some other Doctor, and so requests for prescriptions that I needed refilled to keep me alive were being reffered to another Doctor, not Doctor Henderson, who is and has been for 3 years my GP Doctor. It's a sitch of poor management at this Smith's, and lack of concern by the employees, that from what I have learned is a under rated poorly performing store. So I'm urging all of my fellow Knytes members, WolfPack members, to boycott this and all Kroger/Smith's Food And Drug stores. Maybe if they feel it in their wallets, regional directors and such will clean house of this Smith's. You can't sue them, but damn the stupid water must be gushing here in Twin Falls, plus the idiocy of this Smith's Store, is un matched any where I have ever went. Time to let some manure hit the fan here.
Last; wasn't on air overnight. Thing is I have a very scratchy throat, near lerigingitis level, so been just playing music, but if all works out for the better, will be on overnight tonight in to Thursday morning. 
Until Next Time Rodders and GearHeads.